Monday, February 19, 2007

The natives are unfriendly...

I've been parking my car on the street outside my flat for about two years now so I was horribly surprised this week end to discover that It had been broken in to. Rear passenger side window broken, my boot and glove box rummaged through and generally a nuisance made. At first I thought nothing had been stolen but when I checked again later all my Deadlands stuff for my current campaign is gone. Even worse, all my dice that were in the same bag were gone too! Some of those dice had been with me for over 15 years. I'm gutted. Not only that but dice are expensive to replace. Bummer. I'm quite ticked off and wondering how I'm gonna break things to the Thursday group....

Blogging on and off since January 2004.


A Whole Can of Plot said...

Argh! Horridness! I hope you told the police - there can't be that much Deadlands stuff on the black market.

SixFoot Hobbit said...

My guess is it all wound up in a bin somewhere. I had a quick look around the local waste ground to see if it was about but no joy

Anonymous said...

Oh no! That's sucky :( Does that mean our character sheets are gone and everything? Boo!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, that was a bit self-centred, the character sheets are probably the easiest things to replace. Did you lose all your books as well as the dice?

SixFoot Hobbit said...

The core rule book, the dice and all the poker chips, print outs and playing cards as well as the character sheets and game notes. I'm mostly annoyed over the character sheets/notes and dice.

Stuart said...

That really sucks Brad. Whereabouts did this happen?

SixFoot Hobbit said...

Parked on the street outside the flat on Cleghorn St.