To which race of Middle Earth do you belong? brought to you by QuizillaGiven the title of this blogg, this is a bad throw of the dice. Don't get me wrong, I admire the men of Westernesse but come on, really, they threw all they had away. In the imortal words of Rules Monkey, "They did it to themselves!" Aragorn II was as much a flash in the pan as Tar-Palantir. Give me the Shire any day of the week. Or failing that, Edoras. Of all the characters in LotR I identify most with Theoden, Thengel's Son.
I've just returned from a homecoming party from Horsegirl and Rules Monkey's place. They've just got back from Foreign and are glad to be back away from euros, lager and people dressed as vegetables. I'm glad to see them return, too. I've missed them over the last 18 months. Another wine drinking partner and another Bloodbowl player and teller of many glorious lies of battle. Huzzah. There's not enough of either locally.
Blogging on and off since January 2004.