Well, that's the Nationals weekend almost over for me. I've attended, imbibed, played, faffed, sat behind the wheel of the bus and shouted at 2-3 in the morning (sorry!) and all sorts of other stuff. The bus is clean and back at the university car park.
So why is my weekend not over yet?
'Cause I've still got to give back the keys and the log book! For some reason, there's no-one about at 3:30am at the union. Curious...
But back to the main event! The team achieved their goal! We didn't win! That prize went to BURPS of Bradford. Expect great big comedy bombs next year. The General got an honourable mention for his Wood Elf army painting, Horse Girl came third in Homebrew (I suspect socialite was overly stern in marking to avoid cries of "fix!"), Slacker came second in open action (check out his Blogg soon to see how smug he'll be!) and Oddie came first in the Steel Yourself category (swashbuckling) again. Cool.
For myself, I was forced to play D20 Star Wars on both days with argumentative players. Nothing could be done without at least 4 people wanting a say in the minutiae of any plan. Dull. To make matters worse, on the first day, my character didn't seem to be designed with the scenario in mind. Nothing to do. Ho-Hum. I think I'm going to give SW a miss from now on. Yes, it is my favourite system, but you need good players and a good GM to make it work. SW is about banter, defying the odds and making it up as you go along. Not detailed plans and a 15 minute discussion about if we should go up or down in the turbolift first. I think I'll try systemless next year. No dice, no system, just solid roleplaying.
A vote of thanks on two counts here to Horse Girl and 'Muffin. They made SPECTACULAR costumes for the fancy dress part of our weekend and also acted as angels of mercy when Oddie's crew became stranded after a car crash; 'Muffin fetching them on the day and therefore not getting in until 11pm on the Friday and then both of them returning the victims on the Sunday.
Cheers, guys! With any luck you'll be able to see the photo's of the cozzies on one of the bloggs soon and also get a chance to see Agent Grey's K-9 as well. It's really cool too.
Tune in again soon, same Blogg time, same Blogg channel.