Thursday, February 08, 2007

Everything I need to know about life I learned from Sci-Fi...

Part One - Blake's Seven

  1. If you're a genocidal megalomaniac, over act.
  2. Abandoned, drifting space vehicles several hundred years old are bad for your health.
  3. The telepath, far from being the detector of the first sign of trouble is the nearly always the first point of trouble.
  4. Idealists never win, they get shot.
  5. Pacifists never win, they get crushed.
  6. Mystic women on dead planets spell trouble.
  7. Shoot your enemy when you get the chance, you may not get another.
  8. Perfectly functioning super space cruisers that have been abandoned usually have a catch.
  9. Prophecies from super computers will come true, just not in the way you expect.
  10. If it looks like a trap and smells like a trap and has trap written on it in neon letters ten feet high and is too good to be true anyway then it must be a trap. Trust your first impression.

Blogging on and off since January 2004.

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