Sunday, June 04, 2006

In vino veritas...

Okay, it's not an original name for a blogg entry, (or if it is I want copyright) but I'm smashed and so is the rest of my family, all of whom have retired for the evening, allowing me to make this surreptitious blogg entry....

It's 10:40pm and I'm as drunk as a lord....

I have just spent this Sunday afternoon in the company of my immediate family (mum, dad, sister and her L.I.S.O.) on the first full day of my annual week long summer holiday in Cloughogue (pron: Clog), Norn Iron (pron: Northern Ireland).

Family fun in the sun. For the first time ever I felt that the Tatooed Wonder was a fit suitor for the Munchkin. I've known this for years. I knew that he was good for her but I always wanted to take out a contract on him nonetheless. Today was the first time that I got along with him without the feeling that I needed a dark alley, baseball bat and prefereably three solid, combat wombat mates.

In the local parlance the Tatooed Wonder is 'Dead On'. A finer fellow I couldn't have hoped to find for The Munchkin (sorry, Bill Oddie's Love Child). It's no secret that the 'Hobbit is a snob. I would never have befriended Samwise Gamgee and the Ring would have been lost as a result but there you go. I'm frighteningly 'middle class' and the Tattooed Wonder isn't 'one of us' and by definition not good enough for the Munchkin.

Gods, but I'm a divot.

I've just spent an whole afternoon/evening in his company. Sure, he's uncouth. Sure, he hasn't had my education (on the other hand he hasn't squandered one, either). Sure, he works in an abbatoir but so what? He isn't afraid of a hard days work but I know I am. People like LBG can sympathise.

Whilst The Munchkin and Arthur Daly MkI were in a mutual appreciation fest ("I love you..," "No, I love you..."at the end of the night, waiting for her taxi, I had the opportunity for a few, private words with The Tatooed Wonder and have finally decided that I'm a worse muppet than Sam, the American Eagle. Solid bloke. 'Nuff said.

Blogging on and off since January 2004.

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