Saturday, June 10, 2006

Apparently, drinking can be bad for you...

I've just spent the evening in the company of Arthur Daly Mk I, The Music Teacher and Deviant Boy and I'm completely smashed (I left the pub over an hour ago and I still have the hiccups). I have just discovered that I haven't lost my mobile phone despite my having informed Network 3 to the contrary.


This is where the world of mobile phones gets complicated...

1) I ring 3 and inform them that my phone is missing (despite my having returned home in a drunken state, throwing said mobile phone on the bed and forgetting it)

2) 3 tell me no problem, take some details, cancel my Sim Card and advise me to inform my bank (the insurers) and the PSNI (the upholders of Law and Order).

3) I then (five minutes later) inform 3 that there's no problem, my phone has been here all along and ask that my phone be re-instated.

4) 3 then informs me that my request for a new Sim Card and replacement handset has been processed. I can prevent a new hand set being issued but not a new Card. Nuts, I'm in Norn Iron and my address is registered as Dundee.

I shouldn't get drunk and misplace my stuff...

Blogging on and off since January 2004.

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