Wednesday, January 04, 2006

A Sordid meme...

Four jobs you've had in your life:
Jobs? Oh, yeah, jobs...

1:IT manager at Newry Youth Info Centre. This was back in the dark year of 1993-4 when I'd flunked Uni. The idea was I'd operate the two apple macs in the office and do odd jobs. It was quite pleasant, really. I had to compile a database of addresses and contact all points between BNFL and Amnesty International. The center was attatched to the Magnet, a glorified youth club thingie. The people running it were great craic. I nearly got some music knowledge.

2:Maker of granite sets for Stonebase Ltd. We took big lumps of Mourne granite and turned it into five inch cubes for driveways and things. Dull. Summer job.

3:Minion of Mecca. Christ, what a job. Paid very little for doing slightly less with some of the dregs of society. And I put up with it for seven and a half years???

4:Government Agency Man. I'm here to help. So long as you phone in. I'm now a phone jockey for the revenue. It pays more than the Mecca and has prospects. Nice.

Four movies you could watch over and over:

I've watched a few and some of them have even had a small effect on my life...

1:Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars ......

2:The Producers. The original screen version is amazing. I laugh all the way through every time. Just the notion of Springtime for Hitler is great.

3:L.A. Story.Whimsicality 'pon whimsicality! I want to be just like Harris when I grow up. If only I could meet a nice motorway sign like that. Sometimes I see a lot of myself in Harris so maybe this film is just a bit narcissistic.

4:Casablanca. Nazis, romance, angst, shady fat men and all shot in a film noir style. Can't say fairer than that.

Four places you've lived:

I've been about a bit, but not all that much...

1:Poyntzpass. I spent my formative years growing up in this small village. Crossroads, railway platform, canal and three pubs. I loved it. One of the pubs belonged to my father and was a great place for a kid to grow up.

2:Rostrevor. It's a lot more interesting than Wikipedia makes out. If nothing else, it's also responsible for Deviant Boy. If you get the chance, go there, the whole Carlingford region is naturally stunning.

3:Jonesborough. It's a lot less interesting than the website makes out. It's main claim to fame is that the North/South border is literally a stone's throw away. Handy if you've got to run from the security services... There's always the Jonesborough Market, I suppose. Illict gear here.

4:Dundee. As cities go, it's not too bad. Not too big/small, noisy/quiet etc. Lacks a decent 2nd hand book shop.

Four TV shows you love to watch:

I used to watch a lot, now I just snatch the necessary...

1:Doctor Who. Like Sordid, I can't imagine life without it. It's part of me, now. It forms some of my earliest memories, such as Dr Who and the Jellyfish (The Horror of Fang Rock) and Dr Who and the Worms (Image of the Fendahl). I was only 3. I think waiting for Fang Rock is my earlist memory.

2:Scrapheap Challenge. Big machines, engines, badly bodged bangers and brilliant boats. Nuff said.

3:Sharpe. It's not a patch on the books but it has a repeat viewing quality.

4:Bugs Bunny.Not designed for the TV but it's now the medium he's been associated with. Few things can cause me to drop everything as fast as an original Bugs cartoon. I also include in this category any Warner Bros cartoon between 1941 to 1970 and any WB cartoon post Tiny Toons including Animaniacs. There is also a lot to be said for Hanna Barberra cartoons from Tom and Jerry onwards, although they also produced a lot of dross. Please do not enjoy, however, any Chuck Jones Tom and Jerry. He may have understood the Road Runner, he didn't understand T&J.

Four places you've been on holiday:
Like Stu, I've not had a passport for the preceding 32 yrs but...

1:Rathlin Island.. Not a lot to do if you're 7 yrs old but fascinating to look back on and ask, "Why didn't I like that Holiday?". The Lighthouses are a must.

2:Bantry. If you want sunburn in Eire, this is the place for you. I still put this location down to the reason why I still wear jackets in the summer and it was over 25 yrs ago.

3:Mount Stewart. I was on holiday when I visited. Does that count? The finest National Trust site I've ever visited, and I've visited a few.

4:Sligo. Wet and majestic. God's Rock Garden.

Four websites you visit daily:
Daily websites....Hmm....
1:Nation States. I may get my nation's income tax below 60% some day...

2:DURPS Forum. Where all the loonies hang out...

3:BBC7. Hancock to Cybermen. 'Nuff said...

4:SixFoot Hobbit. It's my home page. Those links along the left hand side are handy...

Four of your favourite foods:

1: Breakfast...




Do I come accross as a fat bastard? Good.

Four places you'd rather be:



3:Middle Earth

4:Somewhere warmer than Dundee...

Four albums you can't live without:

That's a music question, pass...

Blogging on and off since January 2004.

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