Sunday, February 01, 2004


So, McGuffin night is over and on to the next thing. Today the Bloodbowl tournament continued but I didn't take part. The usual suspects were around and already it looks like Laid Back Guy is going to pound all the other teams and be a runaway success again. He obviously needs a premier league to compete in. :)

In other news, I have no 'flu save a few lingering symptoms and so it's back to work with me in the morning. Rats. On the other hand it gets me out and about again. Yay.

After Bloodbowl I spent a pleasant evening 'round at 'Muffin's where I cooked dinner, talked about life, the universe and everything and wrapped it up with an episode of UV. Now I'm home and contemplating a McGuffined and Bloodbowled flat and looking at a Trebuchet that needs building. Sigh. Life is back to normal.

Tune in again soon, same Blogg time, same Blogg channel.

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