Monday, March 19, 2007

Attack of the Clones....

The new trailer for the new series of Doctor Who can be found here.

There appear to be daleks again, ok. Hopefully the rest of the Time Lords will come out from down the back of the sofa (if motorized pepper pots can then so can the great and good of Gallifrey), and everyone's favorite clone army will be back by the looks of things.

Aim for the probic vent!

Blogging on and off since January 2004.


Mark H Wilkinson said...

Hi, I popped into your blog via a bloglines search I subscribe to. I hope comments from out of the blue are ok with you.

It's just that I'm afraid the Sontarans aren't back this year. The race with the slightly similar uniforms are an entirely new bunch -- the trailer that came with the Christmas special revealed what they look like without their helmets on. You can find pictures of them here:

SixFoot Hobbit said...

Damn and blast!

Cheers for the info!

Stuart said...

You know I was wondering what you were wittering on about Bradley. I hope the Timelords are back - it could be so much more interesting than tea time with the Tylers/Joneses every week.