Sunday, December 25, 2005

It's 02:20 am and I'm totally smashed...

You know, I'm beginning to think these titles are a bit repetitive...

It's been almost a month since my last post and it's now Christmas Eve/Day. Tonight has been the night of my annual drunken night out with my old school friend the Cryptic Commie. As is the habit with most of my friends, he spent most of the evening not catching up on the last year but berating me on my lack of significant other. I responded that as he's two months older than I that he should put his own house in order first, dodging the issue at every twist and turn.

Now, an hour, after I've left him I realize that I've opened myself to a charge of hypocrisy. For the last two or three months I've been berating Laid Back Guy to pursue an old flame that he encountered in Waterstones, Dundee. He ran into this old flame in my company and after we'd left he made an off hand remark, "Why didn't I, when I had the chance?" I haven't let it lie since. Oops.

To prove my timidity C.C. went on the pull to show how easy it was and within 5 minutes he had his new conquests 'phone number. Whoot. I pointed out to him that this wasn't the point and continued to argue it back and forth for the rest of the evening.

Blogging on and off since January 2004.

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