Friday, August 05, 2005

Return to form...

It's 1:23am and I'm smashed again.

It's the last night of my Ireland excursion. The neolithic tombs were the highlight of my cultural explorations. I had hoped to take in the national trust property Mount Stewart but time didn't allow (read, I was too lazy). Once again if you're in the area do visit. It is the single most impressive National Trust property I have ever seen. In Norn Iron it is the one thing I would insist on a visitor seeing apart from the Antrim Coast (Carrickarede and the Giant's Causeway).

Today I was involved in such irish traditional past times as Crazy Golf (I came second, losing to my sister)and Ten Pin Bowlng at The Sheep Bridge Inn, Newry(I came last, I blame the facilities, they're not very good).

As you may guess, I have spent the last few hours in a drinking establishment. I spent it in the company of my father and his brother. Despite earlier comments to our younger readers I can't stress enough how vital it is to do this. Several points of view were aired and the world was put to rights by people speaking guff.

The point of this waffle is to realise that your elders are a resource to be tapped when they're smashed and to use them and not to take it to heart, when you describe how you could build a dirty bomb and detonate it in a major metropolitan area for maximum effect on the back of an envelope, when they tell you to shut up and call you a loon.

Blogging on and off since January 2004.

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