Monday, August 22, 2005

I sense competition management...

People who know me know that for pleasure I tend to read brick-thick fantasy novels. I've finally learned the release date for two of them. Knife of Dreams by Robert Jordan is from the long running Wheel of Time series. This will be the eleventh book to be published since 1991 and I've been following it closely since practically day one. The tenth was published in early 2003 and this one will be in the shops on 11/10/2005. Practically a two year wait between books but no matter.

The other is A Feast for Crows from George R. R. Martin's Song of Ice and Fire series. This set is shorter, only four books (technically three but they separated book three into parts one and two) but I'm just as avidly hooked. The last part was published in the UK in 2000 and we've been waiting ever since. (Cries of "GET ON WITH IT!" from off camera). Ice and Fire has been on the go since 1996, not a bad initial spurt but it has slowed right down in recent years. Book four will be published in the UK on 17/10/2005.

I was looking at these dates and wondered why so close together? I assume the books are all ready to go so why release two of the most eagerly awaited novels in the genre so close together?

Blogging on and off since January 2004.

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