Friday, June 04, 2004

Messing about in boats

I was invited to go on a kayaking trip today. Something outdoors and fun, I thought. Makes a change from Bloodbowl , so I went.

First canoe wasn't too successful. I capsized twice. It was so small and nimble that I had trouble controlling it. The least stroke sent it careening over the lake surface. The instructors then took pity on me an offered me a substantially larger canoe, the Star Destroyer of canoes. Much more to my taste. It took an effort to change its direction and was considerably more stable. In this I was able to power back and forth across the lake at a fair rate of knots. Groovy. It was a shame when the hour was up. I hope to go back again soon.

Tune in again soon, same Blogg time, same Blogg channel.

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