Monday, January 26, 2004


Please ignore this message as I think it's very poor reading.

The Black Dog. Bleah. Down in the dumps. The Blues. Glum. Hireadd and so on and so on and you get the idea.

I've got it bad tonight, for the first time in a while. Is it my cold (which seems to be getting worse)? My approaching 30th (Thursday)? The weather? Speaking with friends who seem to have done so much better than me? Even John O' Neil is married. Thinking back 12 years, who'ld have thought it? If it turns out that Mark "Quazzy" Byrne is a .com millionaire several times over I think I'll top myself! Woe is me. Maybe I'm just in the mood for a good wallow in self pity.

Sniff. Mope.

Tune in again soon, same Blogg time, same Blogg channel.
(If you can be arsed. I wouldn't.)

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